Tuesday, January 31, 2012

...Flying So High...

It is BOOKED!!!

May 3, 2012 at 8:25PM, I will be on my way to Germany to see my brother and his family.  I could not be more excited!  I have never been out of the country.  In fact, I have only been to about a dozen states here.  I am what people call a "homebody."  I like being home.  Also, I am a natural germ-a-phobe.  I think it is the nurse in me.  So, going on airplanes and staying at hotels is not really my gig.  I get grossed out pretty easy.  Germ-a-phobe or not, I am outta here...well I will be in t-minus 93 days!   Yes, I counted!! 

BTW, I broke the news to the kids last week and they cried, as expected, but are now on board with the mommy get away.  

Mommy get away...I like the sound of that...in fact...I LOVE the sound of it!!! 

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