Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

Let's talk movies...

I have many favorite movies.  I do not get much time to watch movies these days but I am always up for a good chick flick! Yes, Chick flick!  If I love it, I buy it and some how I never get tired of watching.  I suppose if you compared my "library" to others, it would seem pitiful.  I do not have many videos.  I must r-e-a-l-l-y LOVE it to buy it.  I mean, what a waste if you spend the money on something and never watch it.  Movies are not cheep!  Here is my "Top Ten" (at least today) favorites from my library!

1. The Hangover
2. Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas
3. Christmas Vacation
4. The Notebook
5. Disney's Cinderella
6. Enchanted
7. Nemo
8. Twilight Series
9. Friends with Benefits
10. Dumb and Dumber

They are not in any particular order.  I am looking at the list..very eclectic.  I wonder if someone did a personality test based on movies, what they would say about me?!?!  Maybe they would say I am a girl with a funny, romantic, kid at heart, personality.  Yeah, that about sums it up!

Now, I am looking forward to my next movie night :-)

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