Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Nurse In Me


1. To promote and maintain health.
2. To care for people when their health is compromised.
3. To assist recovery.
4. To facilitate independence.
5. To meet needs.
6. To improve/maintain well being/quality of life.

It takes a certain kind of person to be a nurse.  When I looked up the definition of nurse, I discovered that it has many meanings but I feel it all boils down to these six: to promote, care for, assist, facilitate, meet needs, and improve/maintain quality. When I talk to Linda, my counselor, she says I am totally a nurse.  In fact, she says she sees a lot of nurses in her practice.  This lead me to thinking...I know, dangerous right?!?  

While going through this journey of healing, I am evaluating what it is that I really want from a new relationship, why it is I am mourning my last one, and how to avoid some of the same "man types" I have attracted in the past...not easy, I know...  

When I am in a serious relationship with someone, I really give them my all.  What I mean by that is, I make them a priority.  I am especially good at treating them how I dream to be treated.  I listen to them, I help them any way I can, I care about them and what happens to them (sometimes more than they care about themselves), and I make sure that without a doubt that they know that I think about them and love them.  This however, always leads to me feeling like I give and give and give and I feel short changed on the receiving end of things.  I have always ended up in these "off balance" relationship.  Linda calls it co-dependence and so does Dr. Tina Tessina.  Dr. Tina's definition is one I found while googling "co-dependence."  She states,  

“Codependency, by definition, means making the relationship more important to you than you are to yourself.” 

I must admit that I have put many other's needs in front of my own needs.  I have sacrificed my own self, time, energy, money... to help those I care about.  Then I wonder why I am absolutely exhausted and have nothing left for myself.  I give of myself at the expense of ME!!  Not healthy, I know!!!  This is something that I am working on.

On a positive note, I have learned a lot from my prior mistakes.  In making these mistakes, I have learned my value.  I have refined what it is I am looking for in a man, partner, lover.  I have learned about myself and am beginning to take better care of myself.  I am learning to say no more often and set boundaries.  I am taking time to work on me.  

As to why, I attract un-motivated, lazy, takers?!?!  It could be the nurse in me but really I do not know the answer. I am hoping that the future finds me a healthy, giving, caring, motivated, sweet man who appreciates my gifts and has his own gifts to share with me.

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