Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Counting Down...

Hello again!  It is a rainy Tuesday here in Pa and I am enjoying my last week of freedom.  School is starting again next week and that means back to the books, papers, exams, and lack of any time to myself.  I have been enjoying the last 5 weeks of free time.  I have made good use of it too!  I have rested.  I have posted.  I did some volunteering at my kids school.  I have organized a closet or two, watched some movies, read a book...it all ends next week! Boo Me!!  The only positive is, the sooner I start, the sooner I graduate.  That, my friends, is a day that I cannot wait for!

Another day I cannot wait for is the day I can see my brother again.  If you do not already know, my little brother (aka Bud) is in the military (Go USA) and is stationed in Germany.  He left for Germany in July of 2010 and by my calculations it has been WAY TO LONG since I have seen him face to face.  I mean it is 2012 for goodness sake.  So, I made an executive decision to get my ass on a plane and go to see him.  I am going in May.  I figure, I cannot wait for school to be completely done before I go but I can go between semesters and that is exactly what I am doing.  I have arranged child care, filled out my passport application, and priced out the tickets.

All I have left to do is break the news to the kids.  They will be quite upset that they do not get to see "Uncle Dan."  I will be breaking two beautiful babies hearts with this news but I need to think of myself sometimes and this is one of those times.  I am sure the heart break will be temporary because it won't be long before I tell them that their Dad and I will be taking them to Disney World.  Once they realize that we have this trip in the works and that is why I cannot afford to take them to Germany, I think they may forgive me (maybe...hopefully).

The count down is on!

"Ich bin nach Deutschland gehen

"Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dich zu sehenIch liebe dich Bud"

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