I was walking in the food store today picking up a few things and for a moment I felt like I was having a de'ja' vu. It was very weird, like most de'ja' vu moments are but this time is was more real. It kinda deflated me for a moment. As I walked through the asile, I realized that no matter how hopeful I am about this new year, not much has changed. In fact looking at all of the endcaps of People and Us magazines, I realized that nothing has changed and looking forward became sadly dim.
It was really the cover of people magazine that took me back. On the cover were two women, who have lost a lot of weight, with the caption "Half Their Size!" I know this is not the first time they had a cover like that. In fact, they probably have that kind of cover every January, when most people make their new year resolutions. After seeing that cover the phrase "Same Shit, Different Day," came to my mind. Now, I can adjust it and say "Same Shit, Different Year!" I mean really, how different am I expecting this year to be?!? It started the same way it has for the last few years with me working, alone, and tired.
Today is January 2, 2012. It is a Monday. I fell asleep about 9:30pm on Saturday night the 31st after getting my ass kicked for 12 1/2 hours at work. I completely missed the ball dropping and the 7 text messages I got to wish me a Happy New Year. I woke to my crappy alarm at 5:30am to again, go into work. I worked 12 1/2 hours on new years day, picked up my beautiful babies (who are not babies anymore), and brought them home and got them and myself to bed.
Today, began with peeling my children out of bed because like most people they attempted, yet unsuccessfully, to stay up and watch the ball drop two nights ago. The only thing they got to see was the clock turn to a time way past their normal bedtime and then the inside of their eye lids. The out of routine hangover began this morning.
Once I got my kiddies off to school, I had an appointment with my therapist. I have not seen her for over a year. It was about a month ago that I felt I really needed to talk to her again. I need to work out what has been going on in my mind and my heart. I called her then and took the next available appt., which was for today.
Some people have a problem with therapy. Me?!?...Nope! I see it like this, no one wants to hear about your life troubles. Hell, everyone is living in their own hell. They do not want to take on your shit! I know this. I do not want to burden anyone with all the crazy thoughts I have going on in this freakin brain of mine. So, I pay someone to listen to me! I mean, why not...it actually does help me. I do so much better processing my "issues" when I can talk them out. Somehow, it works that way. So, I am going with it.
My therapist, Linda, is not your traditional therapist. She is very down to earth, a great listener, and more importantly she tells me how it is, not what I want to hear. I appreciate that and need it. She is more like a friend than a therapist and she gets me! It feels very safe to talk to her. She really helps me to see my weaknesses but in a gentle way. On the other hand, she points out my strengths and makes sure I see those too. I really like her and have missed our chats. I will probably continue to see her for some time.
BTW... Happy New Year! I almost forgot to wish you one. Even thought is it not NewYears Eve, let's have a toast to all that I am hopeful for this year, despite the place I am in right now...
Cheers to...
... A better year than last year.
... Making it through my last two semesters of college.
... My family and friends staying healthy.
... My children having a great year!
... My mother and Ed find marriage to be the blessing it is.
... Seeing my brother and his family. (I REALLY MISS YOU!!)
... Healing my broken heart and opening myself up to the hope of new love.
... Me...