Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Traditions

Just 5 days until Christmas.  I am officially done my shopping.  Are you?!?  I am excited about this year.  My kids are totally into it!  8 1/2 and 6 1/2  are great ages!  They are big believers and this makes the spirit of Christmas come alive in our house.  I am not big on family traditions except, when it comes to Christmas.  I wanted to have something that the kids would remember we did every year.  I am proud to say that even though the last few Christmas' have been a little rough for me, I have been able to keep the traditions alive.

Our first tradition is light looking.  Every year since before my children were even born, JA and I made it a tradition to drive around town and look at all the holiday decorations on everyone's home.  There is nothing like the glow that Christmas lights give to a neighborhood.  I absolutely love it today as much as when we started doing it.  I think that is exactly how it ended up as a tradition.  We try to go out as close to Christmas as possible.  In my mind, it is so everyone has a chance to get their decorating done and the closer to Christmas the more likely they are to be on.  We have had some really great years of lights.  Some people really put a lot of time and effort to make their homes beautiful.  I love it!  Oh and did I mention that the kids love it too?!?!  They do and that makes it even cooler for me.

This year we have our plan.  JA, the kids, and me all plan to head out on this Friday December 23rd.  It was kinda tough figuring out the route.  We could not go out and be disappointed.  It is essential that we find some really cool places to see or the tradition it is a bust!  GASP!  We cannot have that happen.  JA and I have had a few talks about it and we were almost in panic mode when I found just the right place to fulfill all of our dreams...well, my dream anyway.  Since we have kinda checked out all the local places in recent years, we decided to venture out to a new area.  The drawback is that it is about an hour and 30 minutes away. The good news is that it hopes to be a very awesome place.  Very Christmas themed.  I mean with a street name Christmas Village, how could we go wrong, right?!?   So Friday it is!  I am excited to let you know how it goes :-)

My second tradition is cookie baking. I know, so cliche' right?! Well, it might be chiche' but my mom did it with me every year and I have taken over the tradition and have baked them since I moved out on my own.  I mean, who doesn't like a homemade chocolate chip cookie?  What am I saying "a chocolate chip cookie..." I do not like just ONE chocolate chip cookie ;-) Especially, right out of the oven...OMG, SO AWESOME!  Now, my pants are still fitting me, which is a good indicator that I have not made them yet.  We haven't, but don't be alarmed folks cause the tradition will not die this year either!  The kids and I will be baking on Christmas Eve morning this year.  Yeah, a little later than I would have like but what is a mom suppose to do when she is single, works almost full time, and to add to the fun, is going back to school?!?!  This mom, in tough girl style, is going to be baking cookies on Christmas Eve.  Yay me!  That reminds me, I must go to the store and get the ingredients...a mother's work is never done!  

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!  I know we will!  Bye for now :-P

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