Friday, September 9, 2011

Too Cool For School...but I am doing it anyway!!

Ahh September!  Just the sound of it makes me feel smarter!

Let me put it out there right here and now that English Grammer and Punctuation are NOT my thing.  You may have already picked up on that.  If you have not, stay tuned the mistakes are yet to come!

Okay back to September...

I have always liked school and I was not really the one to complain that school was starting. I did and still do, however,  love summer activities such as swimming, vacations, and non-structured days.  Lately though, I have a different perspective on the school year starting.  I have a love/hate ("hate" is too strong it is more like dislike) relationship with it. So, I present to you my "Top 5 Reasons Lists!" Five because it would take too much brain power to come up with 10 each!

Top 5 reasons I LIKE that my children go to school (not in order of importance):

1. Mommy refereeing, no care taking, and no WHINING :-)
2. No guilt for doing things I need/have to do and having to ignore my children
3. Food shopping and spending less because I don't have 4 more hands adding things to the cart
4. Being able to clean the house and not having the children "dirtying" it up right behind me
5. Watching my children learn new things

Top 5 reasons I HATE that my children go to school  (again not in order of importance):

1. Crucial bedtime routine and strick bed time
2. Packing lunches...ugh!!
3. Homework...double ugh!!!!
4. Hours spent away from my children...bummer :-(
5. Watching my children become smarter than me ;-)

Moms from all around the world are nodding their heads in agreement!  I feel your pain...believe me!

Now, my children are not the only ones who start school in September and this is also why more recently, I have come to have a different view on the school year.  I myself, at the age of 36, decided that this would be a good time to return to college and finish a degree that I have longed for.  I know, call me CRAZY!!  Actually, I am!  I am a single/divorced mother of two, I work 32 hours of shift work a week, and now to add to the chaos, I have added class and homework to my "To Do List!"

You will probably, make that "will," be hearing more about this topic because honestly, it is very time consuming and is the main cause of stress in my life today!  The good thing is that if I make it through my current class of Statistics (HUGE UGH!!!!!), my graduation date stays on track for December of 2012!  Let me tell you, I am counting down the months and you may with me when I really start to unload on you about it :-)  Therefore, I disclosure a warning here...there will be delays in my posts because of school, I may be bitchy when I do post because of school, and it won't be until December 2012 that I will return to my happy, go lucky self.  There I said it, you can't say I didn't warn ya!

Now back to Statistics!

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