Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair Days

I often wonder why hair plays such an important factor in my self-esteem.  

Bad hair=Bad day!  

Over the years of my life, I have experimented with all kinds of "dos." Short, long, and everything in between.  Although, I get compliments on my hair's quality, I have yet to find my "perfect" style.  

Last year around this time I decided to grow my hair out.  It was a spontaneous decision but I stuck to it.  Here I am a year ago:
Feb 2011
Pretty cute huh?!?  I thought so.  I loved my hair like this.  I had good hair days most everyday.  I could drive with the windows down and not fear messing it up.  Easy to style and weather didn't effect my look.  Rain? Who cares! Humidity? Bring it!  It just didn't matter. 

There were a couple of draw backs to having this style though.  First, I had really bad bed head in the morning.  Secondly, men either hated it, loved it, or thought I was gay.  Not a very good thing for a very straight, very single gal.  Third, it had to be cut monthly, which kinda became a pain in the butt.  However, none of these reasons were good enough for me to grow it out.  I liked it and kept it like that since Feb. 2008.  

So why did I decide to change my look, you ask?? Like I said, I decided one day.  Very out of character for me, I might add.  If you know me at all, you know that I am a planner and very rarely make spontaneous decisions.  

Here I am today (well close to today, about a week or two ago):
Oh wait, that is not the one I wanted to show you...hold on a sec...
Me and my babies...growing to fast!  Go Phillies!
There you go!  It may still seem short to you but I can tell you that it was not pleasant to grow it this long.  MANY bad hair days I still have not gotten over.  Nothing therapy cannot cure though...hee hee!  Getting past the ears was the worst part. 

Now, I am just smooth sailing.  Just waiting until I find the perfect "do."  I was kinda going toward this:

I have a way to go but I never tried this one and I think it might just fit me.  

Gone with the bed head! So long to frequent hair cuts! Humidity and rain have now become my enemy...

...but at least I won't be mistaken for a lesbian.  LOL ;-)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Guilty Pleasures or Are They?!?

Thank God for my DVR!  I don't have the ability to watch t.v. in real time BUT I make time to watch my mindless but ever so entertaining shows.  I might be a week or two behind in watching them but that doesn't bother me.  I just stay clear of those nameless individuals who might spoil the results for me.

On tap these days is Dancing with the Stars a.k.a DWTS and American Idol (AI).  

Dancing with the Stars:  I have been watching DWTS for many a season now.  I am not sure just how many, could be all of them.  Like most shows that have been on for too long, some seasons are better than others.  Last year (or the year before??) was lousy.  So lousy that I didn't make it through the whole season. I dumped it!  This made me angry because it gave me less mindless activities to do and made me lose faith in the show.  However, as faithless as I was, I still "checked out" the new season's cast to see if there was any hope of rekindling my fetish.  Alas, my faith has been restored in 2012!  This season is the best to date!  Yes, I said it, "The Best!"  I am totally taken by it.  So taken, in fact, that I am up-to-date with my episode watching.  I am not sure what it is I love the most.  It could be the talented cast or it could be the fact that the eye candy on this season is in one word "HOT!!!" I think it might be the later.  Anyway, in the past I have cringed when contestants preformed.  I have not cringed at all this season.  On the contrary, I broke out in a raging hot flash, more than once I might add, from watching. I think I have been single too long.  This season is fantastic!  You must check it out!  

American Idol: My second guilty pleasure.  Again, some seasons are real good and others, not so much.  This year it has been touch and go.  I watched all of the auditions and eliminations and I must say that by the top 24, I was hooked.  However, some of my favorites did not make it through to the top 12 and I was hopping mad, on the verge of removing it from my recording schedule (GASP!).  I stuck it out though and I am glad I have.  I am really enjoying the talent on this show.  I am equally enjoying the contestants I don't like get booted off!!  I am so going to hell for taking pleasure in one's pain ;-)

There you have it.  My guilty pleasures.  The little things that add a little highlight to my day.

Speaking of highlight of my day...


Faithful, Humble, and Talented


Surprisingly Attractive

Oh and one more...

Hubba Hubba :-P

No guilt in these pleasures ;-) Night All!